Hot Boyz reunion

Ķ vištali viš B.G:


He also answered more lingering questions that fans have had about a Hot Boyz reunion and the rumors of a new album.

“I’m working on that Hot Boyz reunion album. We’re still working on the logistics and the paper work on it.”

When asked if the original structure of the group is going to remain in place, B.G. had the following to say:

“It’s gonna be all the original members – it’s gonna be me, Lil Wayne, Juvenile – Turk is supposed to be coming home March 16th. Hopefully the laws stay the same, Turk is coming home March 16th and all four of us will be back together. We’ve started the process and we’re just waiting for Turk to come home. We’re gonna do it regardless because the streets keep asking for it. The world wants it.”


Yes , loksins !!=)


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1 Smįmynd: Hawk

sjit... žetta veršur svakalegt.  

Hawk, 18.4.2009 kl. 23:27

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